Class Projects

1. a ‘performing object’, i.e. it has a discernible behavior, resulting in some kind of changing light and/or movement and/or sound.  Thus it attracts attention and hopefully has some kind of “personality”.  I always like the simple example of a flickering defective neon sign in a typical film noir.  It does a great job of conveying the feeling of instability and decay. 

Proposal Due : Week 5 (Sep 26) / Presentation : Week 8 (Oct 17) 


2. a ‘responsive object’ that reacts with changeable behaviors in response either to actions/changes in it’s immediate environment… or in response to data or events somewhere else.  This tends to convey the impression that it is a type of living thing, as we are familiar with many animals that respond differently depending on what’s going on around them, how they are treated, etc.

Proposal Due : Week 9 (Oct 24) / Presentation : Week 14 (Dec 12) 


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